Persplextives (2022)
Persplextives (2022) is a series of five flat lays of ready-made packaging used to house dummy surveillance cameras. Incorporating images taken of different surveillance systems in Singapore and also quotes about surveillance from various individuals, authorities, and corporations from social media platforms into the packaging. The artwork showcases the complex perspectives relating to the issue of surveillance which is often evoked in defense of national security. The work is accompanied by 37 boxes of surveillance cameras to denote each year I spent under surveillance.
Ready-made Packaging, framed with 37 dummy surveillance camera boxes.
A part of the Gentle Resistance body of work.
Exhibitions and Presentations
My Hands on My Seat (2022): My Hands on My Seat is an exhibition held at Winsted Campus, Lasalle, showing the entire collection of final-year projects from the Fine Arts graduating cohort. The exhibition features the full series of Gentle Resistance (2022), comprising a total of 5 works.
The Lasalle Show (2022): The Lasalle Show is an exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Lasalle College, displaying selected works from the Fine Arts graduating cohort’s projects. Two out of five works from my final year project, Gentle Resistance (2022), were chosen by the curators and exhibited in Gallery 1 and 2.
The World is Flat After All (2022): The World is Flat After All marked the first art gallery exhibition of Gentle Resistance. The artworks were displayed at a staircase dwelling, strategically placed for public passage to the gallery’s second floor. The installation featured dummy surveillance cameras, symbolizing the presence of public surveillance, making individuals feel exposed and unable to escape, just like real surveillance cameras in public spaces.